Over a year ago I happened upon the National Home Watch Association and put a call in to Executive Director Jack Luber to learn a bit more. At first blush, I was intrigued with the prospect of an organization that recognized the interests of those in the home watch industry. What cemented my commitment following an hour long conversation was the vetting process. While each state varies in its requirements, Jack’s group is dialed into the laws, licensing and insurance requirements for each applicant. Within 24 hours of submitting copies of the MA State Police watch guard license, bonds and insurance, I received a call from my insurance agent asking whether or not it was permissible for him to discuss my insurance details with the NHWA.

What began as a self-serving endeavor has certainly evolved into a deeper commitment over the past year. Interacting with members nationally, working with Jack and his network in the pursuit of an exclusive home watch insurance policy as well as making inroads for homeowner discounts are but a few of the many positive advances that make my involvement on an advisory level far more than mere membership and window dressing.

I would encourage anyone splitting time between the Cape and elsewhere to take a look at NHWA members in their particular state. Nauset Management has a number of customers from Florida, Arizona and the Carolinas who have home watch companies in place during the summer months while on the Cape. NHWA blogs, general information, members and member information may be found at http://nationalhomewatchassociation.blogspot.com/

