There is a slight change in details; in fact it’s all but a do over. Shortly after my last update, I received an edit from one of the many weather outlets I subscribe to where the high wind warning is actually scheduled for Friday rather than today. The 5 a.m. – 4 p.m. window remains unchanged. Several outlets are calling for these winds to pick up as soon as later this evening.

A High Wind Warning is issued when sustained winds of 40 mph are expected for at least an hour, with gusts of 58 mph or greater at any time. Damage to trees, power lines, and property are possible with wind of this magnitude.

The other notable shift in the forecast relates to the temperatures. The upper 30 degree range slated for tomorrow is now considered to be closer to 45 degrees mid morning where it then begins to slide back to the 20’s.

Scattered snow showers should change to rain during early morning hours. Currently, all unoccupied homes that are not drained are online with good heat.

As far as the game plan going forward is concerned, tomorrow’s schedule will remain routine. Depending on exactly how the ping pong balls fall in terms of timing and actual severity, follow ups would most likely be commuted to Saturday.

I will plan on circling back tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. with a general update and as always, reach out directly as needed.