No need to reset the needle; this broken record is spinning by design. A Winter Storm Watch is in effect from Sunday afternoon through Monday morning where 4” – 8” is expected. Temperatures are expected to climb to the freezing mark during the overnight which enables the prophets to also call for the chance of freezing rain to mix in at times.
I’ve taken a couple of calls this week in regards to weather conditions and initially wrote it off as separation anxiety from the updates but I do understand given the circumstances. As advertised, we picked up 5” last Tuesday and Wednesday yet the winds remained calm and temperatures have remained steady in the mid 20 degree range. Following Wednesday’s contribution, we saw a handful of isolated squalls which left a dusting to an inch on a couple of occasions. In turn, the cold temperatures solidify accumulations from the past month while creating a powder amongst every flake to follow. Everyone flush with oil when this mini-series began is now joining the ranks of those who had been required to liberate driveways; driveways that now look as though they were never touched.
At this stage, approximately half the Nauset Management flock is still being hiked into and ironically, with dry secondary roads, a number of properties that are being accessed from the front bumper, to the hood then up on top of the plow berm have been commuted to Saturday checks as it has simply become a hazard or hindrance for others to have a vehicle in the street among routine traffic flow. In regards to those “thirdary” or private dirt roads, imagine driving the wrong way down Commercial Street in P-Town during the Blessing Of The Fleet. While I’d hold off on cancelling any June rentals, we have one day forecasted over the next 10 that has a notable high above the freezing mark so the brief thaw to ice process looks to continue for at least the short term.