Buried in the FAQ link on the heels of a request now almost two decades old is the question of yard signs for home watch purposes. I’ve never considered it because I could never validate an upside for the homeowner. While hard wire alarm placards in the flowerbed, with or without the actual service may be a deterrent, home watch signs are a beacon of vacancy. The difference between the perception of a rightful owner at work for the day or teeing off at a southern local is a sign claiming that the home is being watched by a third party. No doubt an advertising tool, however ill conceived, but signage is also used as a marker by companies with a sprawling territory and scores of different employees that may not be familiar with the home or neighborhood. Although a full page insert in a local paper proclaiming that your home is vacant may be quicker and cheaper than the annual cost for service, keep your crew but tell them to ditch the sign.