On the heels of a text from the mighty bureaucracy that is Eversource claiming that those paying some of the highest kilowatt fees on the planet should hunker down and plan for a few days without power. I’ve since masterfully powered my frig, command center and charging station from an extension cord plugged into my running truck. The oxen are put away for the evening and while ma gets the kettle on the fire, I thought I’d reach out with a very sparse review of where we’re at.
The only vehicle lettered up as Eversource that I’ve seen in Orleans and Eastham all day is the smart car with the bubble light, presumably the advance scout car offering a glimmer of hope but no signs of line trucks.
Perhaps entirely related, Orleans outages now stand at 2664 while Eastham has moved up to a whopping 1809 from 425. Evident damage, as far as what I’ve seen, has been limited to small limbs and seemingly imported amounts of leaves. The Nauset School system was open for business while teams of landscape crews were locked in mortal battle between 40 mph gusts and backpack blowers so there has been a great presence of business as usual as idiotic as some may seem.
The winds have calmed and a few boughts of sporadic rain appear to have made their final appearance for this particular event. As always, anyone here or making a run to the Cape should take a quick tour around their property in search of hanging limbs and branches and no doubt empty those refrigerators.
Stay tuned…